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Climate Yoga


The ocean covers over 70% of the earths surface and protects us from the earth’s rising temperatures: it is taking in all our excess heat currently, which is why the corals are dying. They are facing a lot of threats from plastic pollution, overfishing, and warming, which affects us all. Learn how to protect our oceans.


This class is inspired by my love of the oceans, features ocean breath, water wheels, back and forth movement like the tides, and more. Episode coming soon.


Quick but important facts

  • Good things about the ocean 

    • ​Cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface.

    • Produce at least 50% of the planet's oxygen.

    • Absorb about 30% of the CO2 produced, regulating climate and temperature.

  • Challenges:

    • Global Warming: Rising temperatures lead to coral bleaching, affecting biodiversity and the livelihoods of fishing communities.

    • Overfishing: Depletes fish stocks faster than they can replenish, disrupting marine food chains and affecting global food security.

    • Plastic Pollution: Approximately 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually, breaking down into microplastics that harm marine life from plankton to whales.

    • Coral Bleaching: Caused mainly by rising sea temperatures due to global warming, coral bleaching affects approximately 25% of marine biodiversity and can lead to nearly 90% loss of coral in severely affected areas, threatening ecosystems and human livelihoods globally.

Ocean Fun

These are some really cool people doing great work in the ocean.

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Oceanic Global reconnects  humanity to the Ocean  and provides tangible  solutions and blueprints  for all levels of society to coexist in harmony with our  Blue Planet. 

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OceanX's vision is to create a deeply engaged global community of explorers, scientists, and storytellers dedicated to educating, inspiring, and protecting the oceans in order to drive positive change. 

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Peace Boat is a committed campaigner for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. They sail with the SDG logo on their ship, and our programs onboard and in port engage people to take action for the goals.


Pioneering projects to combat the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and develop technologies to rid the world's oceans of plastic.

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Mission Blue inspires action to explore and protect the ocean. Led by legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue is uniting a global coalition to inspire an upwelling of public awareness, access and support for a worldwide network of marine protected areas – Hope Spots.

The ocean heals us.

I hope you are inspired by the ocean too.

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